The Ancestry and Resignification of Art in the Face of the Harlem Renaissance


  • Bruna Silva da Conceição Professora de Filosofia, licenciada pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
  • Luís Carlos Ferreira dos Santos Professor do Departamento de Educação – UEFS



black aesthetics, ancestry, renaissance of Harlem.


This article aims to present how ancestry united with the power of art encompassed political and cultural movements of black people from the diaspora, integrating a value of universal emancipation that consists in the incessant struggle for the proof of humanity and civil rights of these people throughout the world. Thus removing the contemplative value of Western art and assigning the character of functionality to art. In this case, it will be approached a little of what was the Harlem Renaissance and how the members of that movement combined the functionality of art with its ancestry in order to strengthen the legitimacy of its humanity.


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