Achille Mbembe and the conception of the neoliberal state: search for a universal political philosophy


  • Romero Venâncio Junior da Silva Professor do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)
  • Daniel Christian dos Santos Mestrando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe



race, racism, neo-liberal, Provincialism, eurocentric.


This article seeks minimally to address the discussion made in political philosophy in modernity. To this end, we seek to understand the canon of contemporary political philosophy and contextualize with the work of philosophers who were critical of this conception of western tradition. We understand salutary to discuss a political philosophy that departs from western tradition and, at the same time, is constructed with an idea of de facto universality, that stops comparing Europe and European with yourself, that breaks the provincial idea of Euro-American philosophical thinking and that finally contemplates some epistemologies from the South of the world that have been silenced. The choice of an African philosopher who discusses the limits of the social organization of the West and who wishes to go beyond European white provincial thought serves this purpose well. We will make a comparison with philosophers who, although not so studied in the departments of philosophy Brazil, were important paradigms for a philosophy that intends to decolonize thought, consequently putting Europe in the place that belongs to it: that of a province of the world.



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