Language and body in Heidegger's thought




Language, Body, Transcendence


The article aims to defend the argument that the event of language is ontologically prior to the material (physiological) constitution of phonation and sign and, as an opening of meaning, it is that from which the human body allows itself to be illuminated. The body is, therefore, from language. The exposition method begins by explaining the interdependencies between the physiological processes involved in the act of speaking and the constitution of the linguistic sign and then, by contrast, explain the tension between language and body in the light of Heidegger's thought. Thus, the article argues that the tension between language and body precedes the relationship between sign and phonation. We do not speak in terms of the physiological characteristics of our speech organs, but the function of these organs is illuminated from language, in the light of which, in turn, a speaking entity can be called bodily. Because the body is body from language, that is, from the opening to meaning. Finally, it is not the body that makes language possible, but the language that makes the speaking entity a bodily entity.




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